

Bio: All these stories are true. I wish they weren't.

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27 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello there, redcarpetsquare! How lovely to meet you – I have been on holiday for a couple of weeks (eating bean burritos at Taco Bell – not exactly cruising the Riviera…) and am just getting around to answering comments and etc. Can I just say a big thank you for your follow? I never take these things lightly, and so appreciate your readership. I love what I am seeing here on your page! Short, sweet and to the point – and, best of all, FUNNY! xx Love it… happy to follow you. Mother Hen


  2. Thanks so much for the follow! I really appreciate it. I like your humor and look forward to reading more of your blog πŸ™‚


  3. Hi! I don’t know how you feel about blogger awards, but I just nominated your blog for the One Lovely Blog Award. I nominated you because I really enjoy your posts. You have a nice way of talking about challenging things, and I appreciate your delivery. LOL! If you aren’t interested, then you don’t have to do anything. If you would like to accept the award, then here is where you can get the info. http://agirlnamedwanda.com/2014/12/16/one-lovely-blog-award/


  4. Thank you for following my blog, “From the Gross to the Subtle”. It took me a little while to get over here. I was focusing on using my blog for my students; but, there is so much beauty in the blogosphere. I love your sense of humor and l look forward reading more posts.

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